12 Climate Change Updates for 2024

12 Climate Change Updates for 2024

As we continue into 2024, the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly evident. From record-breaking temperatures to severe droughts and extreme weather events, the effects of human-induced warming are being felt globally. Here are 12 key climate change updates for 2024:

1. Global Temperature Records

According to NOAA, April 2024 was the warmest April on record globally, with a temperature 1.32°C (2.38°F) above the 20th-century average. This marks the 11th consecutive month of record-high global temperatures.

2. El Niño Update

The current El Niño episode, which emerged in June 2023, is weakening and is likely to transition to ENSO-neutral conditions by mid-year. There is a 79% chance of this transition occurring by April–June 2024.

3. Mediterranean Drought

The Mediterranean region is experiencing severe drought conditions, with 2022 being the fourth driest year and 2023 being the 25th driest year on record. This ongoing drought is having critical impacts on the region.

4. Amazon Rainforest Tipping Point

A study published in Nature suggests that the Amazon rainforest is approaching a tipping point, which could have devastating consequences for the global climate system.

5. Global Precipitation

January 2024 saw a record-high monthly global precipitation, following a record-wet December. This trend is expected to continue, with significant food insecurity predicted in various regions.

6. Sea Surface Temperatures

Sea surface temperatures have been consistently above average, with January 2024 marking the 10th consecutive month of record-high global ocean surface temperatures.

7. Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover

Northern Hemisphere snow cover was near average in January 2024, but Antarctic sea ice extent was the fifth lowest on record for the month.

8. Climate Change Projections

The latest climate change projections indicate that human-induced warming is increasing at a rate of 0.26 [0.2–0.4] °C per decade, with a decade-average warming of 1.19 [1.0 to 1.4] °C for 2014–2023.

9. Ocean Warming

Research suggests that past and future ocean warming will continue to play a significant role in global climate change, with implications for marine ecosystems and global temperature regulation.

10. Climate Change Impacts in Europe

In 2023, Europe experienced severe impacts from climate change, including extreme weather events that affected millions of people. These events are expected to continue and worsen in the coming years.

11. Agricultural Impacts

Drought conditions and extreme weather events are significantly affecting agricultural lands globally, with stressed vegetation observed on all continents. This is expected to lead to food insecurity in various regions.

12. Climate Change Monitoring

NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information have updated their global surface temperature dataset, incorporating an artificial neural network method to improve spatial interpolation of monthly land surface air temperatures. This update aims to provide more accurate and comprehensive climate monitoring.

Written By Marie Parker-Williams

Marie Parker-Williams is the chief journalist at S2earch.io

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