10 Facts About the Rise of Quantum Computing in 2024

10 Facts About the Rise of Quantum Computing in 2024

Quantum computing is rapidly advancing in 2024, with significant breakthroughs and developments in the field. Here are 10 key facts about the rise of quantum computing this year:

1. World's First Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer

The world's first commercial fault-tolerant quantum computer is set to launch in late 2024, featuring 256 physical and 10 logical qubits. This machine, built by QuEra, will provide a platform for software programmers to test code for future quantum computers.

2. Error Correction and Logical Qubits

Logical qubits, which are physical qubits connected through quantum entanglement, reduce errors in quantum computers by storing the same data in different places. This diversifies the points of failure when running calculations, making quantum computers more reliable.

3. Quantum Computing: Faster and More Powerful

Quantum computers can process information at speeds that are faster than classical computers, making them capable of performing calculations that would take billions of years on a conventional machine.

4. Government Funding and Investment

Over 30 governments have committed to more than $40 billion in public funding commitments to quantum technologies, which will be deployed in the next 10 years. This investment represents an estimated 2x the quantum VC investment peak in 2022.

5. IQM: Global Leader in Quantum Computing

IQM is the global leader in building quantum computers, providing on-premises quantum computers for supercomputing centers, enterprises, and research labs. They also offer a quantum computing cloud service called IQM Resonance.

6. Quantum Computing: Facts, Fiction, and the Future

The Google Quantum AI team is working to separate fact from fiction in quantum computing, highlighting what's feasible and what's not. They are also preparing for what's on the horizon in the field.

7. Quantum Computing: ALL You Need to Know

Quantum computing harnesses the properties of subatomic particles, such as electrons or photons, to operate with quantum bits or qubits. These qubits possess the remarkable ability to exist in multiple states simultaneously, essentially embodying both 1 and 0 concurrently.

8. Quantum Computing: A Hot Field

Quantum computing is a hot field right now, with significant advancements and developments. It's essential to understand the current state of the art and prepare for what's on the horizon.

9. Quantum Computing: Practical Applications

National labs and quantum computing centers have accelerated practical applications with dedicated quantum computing centers and hubs emerging. This will lead to more widespread adoption of quantum technology.

10. The Future of Quantum Computing

With the launch of the first commercial fault-tolerant quantum computer and significant investments in the field, 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for quantum computing. The future holds much promise for this technology, which could outpace the best supercomputers if it incorporates millions of qubits.

Written By Marie Parker-Williams

Marie Parker-Williams is the chief journalist at S2earch.io